19 November 2009

Rage Against Stupak-Pitts

If you are angry/terrified about the passage of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment and looking for actions that you can take, I've compiled some suggestions.

Call your representatives and tell them that health care reform cannot exclude women's reproductive health:

The New York State Senators are:
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: (202) 224-4451
Senator Chuck Schumer: (202) 224-6542
Both of them are pro-choice, but we need them to take leadership positions against any erosion of women's reproductive rights.

The White House number is: (202) 456-1111

The Capital Switchboard number is: (202) 224-3121.
Find your representatives here: http://house.gov/
Find your senators here: http://senate.gov/

Get on the bus to DC:

Send a coat-hanger to the "pro-choice" congressmen who voted for the amendment:

Sign a few petitions:

1. http://www.ppaction.org/campaign/hcr09foc_pporg?qp_source=hcr09foc%5fafc3
2. http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1400/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=1723
3. http://action.barbaraboxer.com/page/s/fightforhealth?source=ffwh_ccnational
4. http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/5095/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=1294

Let your representatives know that women's bodies, health and rights are not a political bargaining chip.

Pro-Choice, Loud, and Proud!


  1. From the ACLU: http://action.aclu.org/StopStupak

  2. ppnyc is collecting stories:

    If the House version of health care reform is passed into law, access to comprehensive reproductive health coverage will be cut and women all over the country will be worse off than they were before.

    We’re fighting back. And part of that fight is reminding folks that this isn’t just policy we’re talking about -- women’s lives and health are at stake.

    To reinforce that, we’re looking for folks who are willing to share their personal stories with legislators, media and supporters. While we’re happy to take any story, we’ve included a few examples below to help get you started.

    All stories should include a name, phone number, e-mail address, and brief description of the story. Of course, we understand that this is a very sensitive issue, and we want you to be comfortable sharing your story, by being identified or anonymous, etc.
    Story 1: During my pregnancy (planned or unplanned but wanted) I discovered that my baby had a fatal fetal anomaly. After much thought and discussion I decided to terminate the pregnancy only to discover that my insurance didn’t cover abortion. I had to pay out of pocket and the costs were in the thousands. Specifically, I am a federal employee; I currently do not have abortion coverage in my health insurance plan, because such coverage has been banned for federal employees since 1995. Sadly, I found out that I was pregnant with an unviable fetus and had to undergo a surgical abortion in a hospital. However, I had to pay $9,000 out of pocket to cover this surgery. If the House bill is passed into law, it will leave tens of millions of women in the very same position I was in. being forced to pay huge bills for a legal procedure at a time of personal crisis. I don’t want others to experience this kind of treatment.

    Story 2: Today, I work for a small business with a private health insurance plan (or I’m self-employed and pay for my own insurance) that covers abortion as a medical procedure. After reform, I want the exact same coverage I have now, which is something President Obama promised me and all Americans. If the House version of health care reform is enacted, the new health insurance marketplace or “exchange” that would be created would not allow me to get the same full coverage. In fact, abortion services would not be covered by any plans in the exchange. This is unacceptable.

    Story 3: Today, I have abortion coverage in my insurance plan. But I paid out of pocket for my abortion because the environment is so hostile at my workplace, and I fear being treated differently at work for taking advantage of my benefits. (Or, I do not want my partner or parents to discover that I had an abortion by viewing the explanation of benefits that my insurance provider mails to our house.)

    Email stories to choicevoice@ppnyc.org.

    Thanks for keeping up the good fight!

    You can join their action network here: http://www.ppaction.org/ppnyc/join.html?r=bpS6h6Kqca_1E
